Can Blue Light Make You Sick?

In the past five years, we have witnessed Blue Light evolving from a topic (i.e. something talked about) to an issue (a problem that needs solving). 

There are growing amounts of information about Blue Light, but a surprising amount is incorrect. Some information is opinion presented as fact, while other information is outdated, and some information is promotional (may be based on selected facts, or presented in such a way to bias the reader for beneficial purposes). 

Nathan Walz wrote one of the best recent articles about Blue Light. We were so impressed by the article that we contacted Nathan and heard a meaningful journey of success, impacted by bad health, that resulted in research, recovery, and reformulation in a pursuit to help others. 

Nathan founded “Journey to Optimal Health” which provides Corporate Wellness and teaches employees how to have more energy, less stress, better sleep, and improved mental performance. 

His article resonated with us because his perspective is based on facts, notably among them: 

  • Blue light looks white to the naked eye. 
  • If you work indoors, you are chronically exposed to high levels of blue light. 
  • The American Medical Association (AMA) adopted guidance for communities on selecting LED lighting options to minimize potential harmful human and environmental effects. 
  • According to the Harvard Medical School, poor sleep is costing the U.S. workforce $63.2 billion a year. 

The article defines Blue Light and examines the consequence to our health, none the least of which is poor sleep, and quantified by the bulleted fact above. We urge anyone reviewing this post, to read Nathan’s article, which is as informative as it is worthwhile. 

The link to Nathan’s article 

The link to Nathan’s Company    

TrueBlue lenses were formulated to address natural Blue light (outdoors) and artificial Blue Light (indoors) as referenced in Nathan’s article. TrueBlue goes further than other products in the market with lens solutions that address wavelength specific impacts. The Photo-Stress lens addresses daytime Blue light resulting in eye fatigue and possible damage to the macula. The MPF indoor lens should be worn two to three hours before the start of the normal sleep cycle to delay suppression of Melatonin production that affects the sleep cycle and circadian rhythm. Short of wearing a Blue Blocking lens that results in visual color distortion, there is not another lens formulation that is based on nature's solutions to filter Blue light, in the manner TrueBlue lenses offer.

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